My name is Grant StClair-Armstrong and I moved to Turkey on October 9th 2005.  I had a small limited company in the UK, which specialised in sourcing and marketing environmentally friendly or 'green' products,  Today, I wish I had had the foresight to work for at least another 8 years and would probably have been better placed for early retirement at 60 and just maybe, I would not have suffered many of the injustices I have or met so many of the unsavoury people over the last 15 years.

I moved back to the UK in November 2019 and was unfortunately diagnosed with prostate cancer in January 2020, which was no great surprise.  The strange thing was that my beautiful brother, Mark and I were both in Addenbrookes hospital the same day and diagnosed with cancer at the same time.  We didn't actually know the other was there.  Sadly, I lost Mark in February 2021 to incurable brain cancer.  It broke my heart and I think of him every waking day and ask 'Why?'  My partner and future wife, Jennifer, has been fantastic support for me and helped me battle on after so much heartbreak.  My cancer is now in remission after getting myself onto a clinical trial in London but I have now acquired a small type of skin cancer on my hooter, which is going to be operated on in Feb 2022.  The new prostate treatment is called HIFU and the NHS are just not telling people about it, so if you or somebody you know has very recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer, please get in touch with me.

I have made some wonderful new friends since my return to the UK and naturally have rekindled old friendships too.  Mark and Sue, Steve and Annie, and Dacre and Carol are our closest friends.  We went on holiday to Malta with Mark and Sue in October 2020 and cemented our closeness.  Steve and Annie have us over for dinner regularly and the four of us love playing cards.  Dacre and Carol are completely crazy (well, mainly Dacre!) and it is never a dull moment in their company.

The COVID situation has been a bastard for everybody these last two years and I am surprised that the British population just rolled over and allowed our revolting Government to take away our most very basic freedom, freedom itself so easily over what is a disease with an incredibly high survival rate, unless you have underlying health conditions, ie, being obese or having diabetes.  Fortunately, there is now light at the end of the tunnel but Johnson and many other world leaders are guilty of the most devastating lies and conspiracies surrounding this whole affair and I am confident it will eventually come out.  Muck Suckerberg of Farcebook was a great supporter of lockdowns.

We were not allowed to travel, so carbon emissions plummeted and there were dozens of other benefits for Governments in keeping us locked up while they were partying.  There is so much we don't know about all of this that we could fill volumes. with it.  Thousands of people, old and infirm, sickly and cancer sufferers have died and continue to die because of this great lie.  Aren't you even a bit suspicious?

It is now June 2024 and in January 2023, I decided to offer myself up as a Parliamentary Candidate for the Reform UK party and for the lifetime of abuse that would come with such.  Things were going well and it looked as if we had a chance of unseating the incumbent Tory MP, Kemi Badenoch.  AS an MP, Badenoch rated 499th as a local MP due to her absence and lack of attention to the people she represents.  However, politics is a filthy business because on 16th June, I had a call from Max Kendix of The Times who had dragged up a very old version of this site from 2010.  Here shared it with all of the right wing press and the left wing BBC.  Naturally, this was all done with one purpose, to damage Reform and humiliate me.  

I have had hundreds of emails and messages of support from people who can see this for what it really is, Election Interference by a grubby journalist.  Unfortunately, my party didn't stand by me and threw me under a bus for stupid historical comments about the BNP and totally unfounded of accusations of racism.  Meanwhile, Badenoch with her rubbish record of representing her constituency and admission that she broke the law in 2008 sails on merrily.  She actually got away with computer hacking and was reported to the Cybe Crime Unit but no action was ever taken because SHE APOLOGISED!!  I APOLOGISED for historical comments I made on a website but that's different, I'm not an MP.  Do some research on MPs who have broken the law, especially for things like drink driving.  These paragons of virtue who bring in laws to protect innocent people like you and me from the dangers posed by drunk drivers.  You couldn't make it up.  Now we have the scandal of corrupt politicians placing illegal wagers, not to mention those who have committed fraud over the years.

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